Welcome Home Project Guide

Image of book in the field was taken from Marcia's Instagram.

Image of book in the field was taken from Marcia's Instagram.

Select spreads from book proposal and project guide for interior photographer Marcia Prentice and her upcoming project titled Welcome Home. 

I was hired as Marcia's personal assistant, researching and organizing information for the book project, including her three-month trip throughout Italy. As Marcia is a very visual, and her work, highly aesthetic, I felt the project guide had to be organized in a similar vein.This was also important to the overall readability of the guide, with flight information, town information and history, route guides, timelines, and calendars.



Excerpts from a book collection of interviews of Ryman Arts alumnis. Printed copies were distributed to donors at an annual fundraising mixer.
One challenge we faced was balancing book size and demographics--the majority of final viewers would be older, and smaller type would be hard to see. 
I am especially proud of the handmade prototype I created prior to taking the project to the printer. It helped both me and the client properly visualize the final product.